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Vassar Encyclopedia

An online work in progress under the direction of Vassar’s College Historian

Chairs of the Board of Trustees

The chair of the board shall be elected from among the trustees at the annual meeting for a four-year term and may be elected to a second consecutive term. Except as otherwise provided herein, the chair of the board shall preside at all meetings of the board and the executive committee of the board. The chair of the board shall be an ex officio member of each trustee committee.

Vassar College Governance
William Kelly1861–1871
Ira Harris1872–1875
Edward D. Lathrop. D.D1876–1906
Augustus H. Strong, D.D.,LL.D.1906–1911
Henry M. Sanders, D.D.1911–1913
W.C.P. Rhoades, D.D.1913–1917
Charles M. Pratt1917–1920
Daniel Smiley1920–1922
Henry Evertson Cobb, D.D.1922–1929
Helen Kenyon, 19051929–1939
Morris Hadley1939–1941
Kathryn H. Starbuck, 19111941–1945
Katherine Blodgett Hadley, 19201945–1953
Harriet Taylor Mauck, 19251953–1956
Herbert F. Goodrich, LL.D.1956–1957
Frederica Pisek Barach, 19251957–1961
John Wilkie1961–1969
Elizabeth Runkle Purcell, 19311969–1977
Mary St. John Villard, 19341977–1981
Mary Draper Janney, 19421981–1989
James C. Kautz1989–1996
Richard E. Van Demark, 19771996–2006
William A. Plapinger, 19742006–2018
Anthony J. Friscia, 19782018–

EAD, CJ, 2019